UNL Dictionary

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The UNL Dictionary, or UW Dictionary, is the inventory of Universal Words. It is a flat list of UWs in alphabetical order with their corresponding semantic features, but without any further organization or structure, which is expected to be provided by the other UNL lexical databases (the UNL Ontology, the UNL Knowledge Base and the UNL Example Base, namely).


The UNL Dictionary complies with the Dictionary Specs. It is a plain text file with a single entry per line in the following format:

[HW]  {UWID}  “UW”  (ATTR , ... )  < unl , FRE , PRI >; COMMENTS


  • HW = The headword of the UW
  • UWID = The unique identifier (primary-key) of the entry.
  • UW = The Universal Word of UNL.
  • ATTR = The list of features of the UW, extracted out of the UNDL Foundation tagset.
  • FRE = The frequency of the UW.
  • PRI = The priority of the UW
  • COMMENT = Any comment necessary to clarify the mapping between NL and UNL entries. It must end with the return code.


The current structure of the UNL Dictionary in the UNLarium database is the following:

  <UWID>Unique identifier (integer auto-increment)</UWID>
  <HEADWORD>Headword of the UW</HEADWORD>
  <DEFINITION>Definition of the UW</DEFINITION>
  <EXAMPLE>Example of the UW</EXAMPLE>
  <LEX><wiki>[[Lexical Category]]</wiki></LEX>
  <SEM>[[Semantic class]]</SEM>
  <SEMFRA>[[Semantic frame]]</SEMFRA>
  <SLANGUAGE>Source language</SLANGUAGE>
  <PROJECT>Source project</PROJECT>
  <AUTHOR>Creator of the UW</AUTHOR>
  <EDITOR>Editor of the UW</EDITOR>
  <REVISOR>Revisor of the UW</REVISOR>
  <CREATED>Date of creation</CREATED>
  <EDITED>Date of edition</EDITED>
  <REVISED>Date of revision</REVISED>
  <STATUS>[[status|Current status]]</STATUS>
  <PROBLEM>Problem, if any</PROBLEM>
  <BUG_REPORTER>User who reported the problem</BUG_REPORTER>
  <IMAGE>Image, if any</IMAGE>
  <DECLINED>Number of times the entry has been declined</DECLINED>
  <FREQUENCY>Frequency of the UW</FREQUENCY>
  <ASSIGNMENT>Number of the assignment, if any</ASSIGNMENT>
  <CORE>1, if the entry belongs to the core dictionary; 0, otherwise</CORE>
  <DATE>Last update</DATE>