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The UNL-EOLSS Project aims at multilingualizing, via UNL, the content of 30 articles of the Encyclopedia of Water, one of the many encyclopedias of EOLSS.

The Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems (EOLSS) is the world’s largest online publication dedicated to the health, maintenance and future of the web of life on planet Earth. Available at http://www.eolss.net, it is an integrated compendium of several encyclopedias, which attempts to forge pathways between disciplines and to foster the transdisciplinary relations between subjects especially related to the life supporting systems.

Being produced by thousands of experts from over 100 countries, EOLSS has been facing some shortcomings related to its knowledge management structure: 1) it is monolingual: all articles have been produced in English; 2) it is unidimensional: articles are not hypertexts (i.e., they do not contain hyperlinks to other texts, except for the section “related chapters”); 3) it is poorly standardized: author’s names, institution’s names, biographical sketches and other metadata are not uniform and are not inter-related.

In order to improve the access to EOLSS, we have proposed to represent it in UNL (i.e., to UNLize the EOLSS data) and to generate it into five different languages other than English: Arabic, French, Japanese, Russian and Spanish.
