UNL-NL Memory

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The UNLization Memory, or UNL-NL Memory Base, or simply UNL-NLMB, is a set of mappings between a given natural language and UNL. It improves and to normalizes the results of the UNLization process, as it contains segments that have been previously UNLized.

The UNL-NLMB may be provided in two different formats:

Extended format

UNL-NLMB entries in extended format must comply with the Translation Memory eXchange Specs, as follows:

       <tuv xml:lang="en"><seg>a good deal</seg><tuv>
       <tuv xml:lang="unl"><seg>400059171</seg><tuv>

<tu> is the beginning of the translation unit
</tu> is the end of the translation unit
<tuv> is the beginning translation unit variant
</tuv> is the end of the translation unit variant
<seg> is the beginning of the translation segment
</seg> is the end of the translation segment

Simplified format

UNL-NLMB entries in simplified format must be represented as a set of network disambiguation rules, as follows:


equ is the UNL relation for "equivalent";
SOURCE is the source segment;
TARGET is the target segment;
DC is the degree of certainty (i.e., the likelihood of the relation between the SOURCE and the TARGET)
