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The project IGLU aims at UNL-izing the definitions of 27,255 entries extracted from an abridged version of the WordNet3.0. Results are expected to be incorporated into the UNL Knowledge Base (UNL KB), which codifies the most systematic part of the meaning conveyed by natural language words, and to constitute a UNL-ization memory, to be used in future mappings between English and UNL.

The IGLU contains 30,342 distinct sentences, or 141,577 open-class tokens, corresponding to 27,255 entries of the WordNet3.0. The corpus was divided according to the part of speech of the definiendum (noun, adjective, adverb, verb), to the number of open-class tokens of the definitions, and to the similarity of definitions. It has been addressed through the UNL Editor using the general guidelines proposed in Unlization guidelines, in addition to the following principles:

  1. equ(definiendum, definition)
The relation between the definiendum (the term being defined) and its definition will be automatically represented as "equ"