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Hyper-nodes are nodes containing relations between nodes. They represent scopes or sub-graphs.


As any node, hyper-nodes are vectors (uni-dimensional) arrays containing the following necessary elements:

  • a string
  • a headword
  • a UW
  • features, of which the internal relations are a special type
  • an index


Examples of hyper-nodes are the following:

  • (("a")("b")) - a hyper-node containing a linear relation between the nodes ("a") and ("b")
  • (VC(%x;%y)VA(%x;%z)) - a hyper-node containing two syntactic relations: VC(%x;%y)AND VA(%x;%z)
  • (agt([a];[b])obj([a];[c])) - a hyper-node containing two semantic relations: agt([a];[b]) AND obj([a];[c])
  • (([kick],V)([the],D)([bucket],N),V,NTST) - a hyper-node having the features N and NTST and containing two linear relations: one between the nodes ([kick],V) and ([the],D), and other between ([the],D) and [bucket],N)
  • (([kick],V)([the],D)([bucket],N),"kick the bucket",[[die]],V,NTST) - the same as before, except for the fact that the hyper-node has string = "kick the bucket" and UW = [[die]]

Hyper-nodes may also contain internal hyper-nodes:

  • ((("a")("b"))("c")) - a hyper-node containing a linear relation between the hyper-node (("a")("b")) and the node ("c")

Properties of hyper-nodes

As any node, hyper-nodes are expressed between (parentheses)
As any node, hyper-nodes may have one single string, one single headword and one single UW, but may have as many features and internal relations as necessary
(([kick],V)([the],D)([bucket],N),"kick the bucket",[kick the bucket],[[die]],V,NTST)
As any node, hyper-nodes may be referenced by any of its elements, including internal relations
(([kick],V)) - refers to any hyper-node containing the node ([kick],V)
(([the],D)([bucket],N)) - refers to any hyper-node containing a linear relation between ([the],D) AND ([bucket],N)
(([kick],D),([bucket],N)) - refers to any hyper-node containing the nodes ([kick],V) AND ([bucket],N)
When a hyper-node is deleted, all its internal relations are deleted as well
(([kick],V)([the],D)([bucket],N)):=; (the hyper-node is deleted, as well as the relations ([kick],V)([the],D) AND ([the],D)([bucket],N))