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A UNL corpus is a collection of documents written in UNL according to the UNL document structure.



UNL corpora are normally classified according to the UNLization strategies:

  • Fully automatic UNLization (the whole process is carried out by the machine, without any intervention of the human user)
  • Human-aided machine UNLization (the process is carried mainly by the machine, with some intervention of the human user, either as a pre-editor or as a post-editor, or during the UNLization itself, as in dialogue-based UNLization)
  • Machine-aided human UNLization (the process is carried mainly by the human user, with some help of the machine, as in the dictionary or memory lookup)
  • Fully human UNLization (the whole process is carried by the human user, without any intervention of the machine)

UNL Reference Corpus (UC)

The UNL Reference Corpus (UC) is the corpus used to prepare and to assess grammars for sentence-based NLization. It is divided in 6 different levels according to the Framework of Reference for UNL (FoR-UNL):

  • UC-A1: UNL Reference Corpus A1 (100 isolated sentences with very simple semantic structures)
  • UC-A2: UNL Reference Corpus A2 (300 isolated sentences with very simple semantic structures)
  • UC-B1: UNL Reference Corpus B1 (5 short stories)
  • UC-B2: UNL Reference Corpus B2
  • UC-C1: UNL Reference Corpus C1
  • UC-C2: UNL Reference Corpus C2

NL Reference Corpus (NC)

The NL Reference Corpus (NC) is the corpus used to prepare and to assess grammars for sentence-based UNLization.

List of UNL Corpora

List of UNL Corpora
