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S-rule (syntactic rule) is the formalism used for describing syntactic structures and syntactic operations in the UNLarium framework.


When to use S-rules

S-rules are used for:

When not to use S-rules

S-rules are not used for for affixation (prefixation, infixation, suffixation) or spelling changes, which must be addressed by A-rules and Ph-rules, respectively.

Types of S-rules

There are four types of S-rules:

  • Head extension extends a given head.
  • Specification creates a specifier (determiner) to the head;
  • Complementation creates a complement (object) to the head; and
  • Adjunction creates an adjunct (modifier) to the head.

For further information on the constituents "head", "specifier", "complement" and "adjunct", see Syntax.


S-rules comply with the following syntax:



  • CONDITION (optional) is a tag or list of tags, extracted from the UNDLF Tagset, that indicates when the rule should be applied. It may also be a relation or a list of relations in case of projection rules. The condition must be omitted in case of general rules (i.e., when the rule is always applied).
  • RELATION is the syntactic relation, extracted from the syntactic roles, between the head and its argument. An S-rule may comprise several different relations, to be separated by ",".
  • HEAD (optional) is the head of the syntactic structure, which is to be omitted when does not undergo any change;
  • ARGUMENT (optional in case of head-only relations) is the argument (the specifier, the complement or the adjunct) of the head.

The HEAD and the ARGUMENT may be expressed as:

  • a "string" (strings must come between parentheses);
  • a [lemma] (lemmas must come between square brackets);
  • a feature or a set of features, separated by comma, and extracted from the the UNDLF Tagset;
  • a direction (">",">>","<","<<");
  • an index between the left and the right side of the rule (to be specified by the syntax %name);
  • an action, to be performed through an A-rule; and
  • a syntactic relation itself.


Examples of S-rules:

  • composition
    • VA("into account"); (add the string "into account" as the adjunct of the verb)
  • periphrasis
    • FUT:=IH([will]); (add the lemma "will" as the head of the inflectional phrase in case of future)
  • subcategorization
    • VC(PP([in])); (the complement of the verb is a prepositional phrase headed by the preposition "in")
  • agreement
    • VS(ANUM,APER); (the specifier of the verb assigns number (ANUM) and person (APER) to its head
  • case marking
    • VS(NOM); (the specifier of the verb receives the case nominative (NOM)
  • distribution
    • VA(>>); (the adjunct of the verb comes at the right side of the verb after a blank space)
  • projection
    • VS(%head;%spec)VB(%head;%comp):=VP(VB(%head;%comp);%spec); (integrate the two relations on the left side into a single relation)

X-bar Structure

According to the S-rule syntax, the basic x-bar structure can be represented as follows:


For simplification reasons, the same structure may be represented by five head-driven relations, as follows:

XS(head;specifier), which describes the relation between the head of the structure and its specifier
XA(head;adjunct), which describes the relation between the head of the structure and its adjuncts
XC(head;complement), which describes the relation between the head of the structure and its complements
XH(head), which describes the head of the structure
XP(head), which describes the head of the structure without any reference to its internal structure

This is to say that:

XP(XB(XB(head;complement);adjunct);spec) := XS(head;specifier)XA(head;adjunct)XC(head;complement)
XS(head;specifier)XA(head;adjunct)XC(head;complement) := XP(XB(XB(head;complement);adjunct);spec) 

Where X must be replaced by one of the eight possible heads (N, P, V, A, J, C, D, I).

Formal Syntax

S-rules comply with the following syntax:

<S-RULE>                ::= <CONDITION> ":=" (<SYNTACTIC RELATION>)+";"
<CONDITION>             ::= <TAG>(","<TAG>)* | (<SYNTACTIC RELATION>)*
<HEAD-DRIVEN RELATION>  ::= {one of the head-driven syntactic relations defined in the UNDLF Tagset} 
<NODE>                  ::= <FEATURE>(","<FEATURE>)* 
<ID>                    ::= "%"[a-zA-Z_0-9]+
<TAG>                   ::= {one of the tags defined in the UNDLF Tagset}
<STRING>                ::= [a..Z]+
<DIRECTION>             ::= ">"|">>"|"<"|"<<"
<ACTION>                ::= <PREFIXATION> | <SUFFIXATION> | <INFIXATION> | <REPLACEMENT> (cf. A-rule)

where <a> = a is a non-terminal symbol
"a" = a is a constant
a | b = a or b
a? = a can be repeated 0 or one time
a* = a can be repeated 0 or more times
a+ = a can be repeated 1 or more times
