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S-rule (syntactic rule) is the formalism used for describing syntactic structures and syntactic operations in the UNLarium framework.


When to use S-rules

S-rules are used for:

When not to use S-rules

S-rules are not used for for affixation (prefixation, infixation, suffixation) or spelling changes, which must be addressed by A-rules and Ph-rules, respectively.

Types of S-rules

There are four types of S-rules:

  • Head extension extends a given head.
  • Specification creates a specifier (determiner) to the head;
  • Complementation creates a complement (object) to the head; and
  • Adjunction creates an adjunct (modifier) to the head.

For further information on the constituents "head", "specifier", "complement" and "adjunct", see Syntax.


S-rules comply with the following syntax:



  • CONDITION (optional) is a tag or list of tags, extracted from the UNDLF Tagset, that indicates when the rule should be applied. It may also be a relation or a list of relations in case of projection rules. The condition must be omitted in case of general rules (i.e., when the rule is always applied).
  • RELATION is the syntactic relation, extracted from the syntactic roles, between the head and its argument. An S-rule may comprise several different relations, to be separated by ",".
  • HEAD (optional) is the head of the syntactic structure, which is to be omitted when does not undergo any change;
  • ARGUMENT (optional in case of head-only relations) is the argument (the specifier, the complement or the adjunct) of the head.

The HEAD and the ARGUMENT may be expressed as:

  • a "string" (strings must come between parentheses);
  • a [lemma] (lemmas must come between square brackets);
  • a feature or a set of features, separated by comma, and extracted from the the UNDLF Tagset;
  • a direction (">",">>","<","<<");
  • an index between the left and the right side of the rule (to be specified by the syntax %name);
  • an action, to be performed through an A-rule; and
  • a syntactic relation itself.


Examples of S-rules:

  • composition
    • VA("into account"); (add the string "into account" as the adjunct of the verb)
  • periphrasis
    • FUT:=IH([will]); (add the lemma "will" as the head of the inflectional phrase in case of future)
  • c-selection
    • VC(PP([in])); (the complement of the verb is a prepositional phrase headed by the preposition "in")
  • agreement
    • VS(ANUM,APER); (the specifier of the verb assigns number (ANUM) and person (APER) to its head
  • case marking
    • VS(NOM); (the specifier of the verb receives the case nominative (NOM)
  • distribution
    • VA(>>); (the adjunct of the verb comes at the right side of the verb after a blank space)
  • projection
    • VS(%head;%spec)VB(%head;%comp):=VP(VB(%head;%comp);%spec); (integrate the two relations on the left side into a single relation)