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Trope is a rhetorical figure of speech that consists of using a word in a way other than what is considered its literal or normal form. In UNL, tropes are to be represented by attributes, as follows:

  • @anthropomorphism: Ascribing human characteristics to something that is not human, such as an animal or a god (see zoomorphism)
  • @antiphrasis: Word or words used contradictory to their usual meaning, often with irony
  • @antonomasia: Substitution of a phrase for a proper name or vice versa
  • @catachresis: use an existing word to denote something that has no name in the current language
  • @double_negative: Grammar construction that can be used as an expression and it is the repetition of negative words
  • @dysphemism: Substitution of a harsher, more offensive, or more disagreeable term for another. Opposite of euphemism
  • @epanorthosis: Immediate and emphatic self-correction, often following a slip of the tongue
  • @euphemism: Substitution of a less offensive or more agreeable term for another
  • @hyperbole: Use of exaggerated terms for emphasis
  • @irony: Use of word in a way that conveys a meaning opposite to its usual meaning
  • @metaphor: Stating one entity is another for the purpose of comparing them in quality
  • @metonymy: Substitution of a word to suggest what is really meant
  • @onomatopoeia: Words that sound like their meaning
  • @oxymoron: Using two terms together, that normally contradict each other
  • @paradox: Use of apparently contradictory ideas to point out some underlying truth
  • @paronomasia: A form of pun, in which words similar in sound but with different meanings are used
  • @periphrasis: Using several words instead of few
  • @repetition: Repeated usage of word(s)/group of words in the same sentence to create a poetic/rhythmic effect
  • @synecdoche: Form of metonymy, in which a part stands for the whole
  • @synesthesia: Description of one kind of sense impression by using words that normally describe another.
  • @zoomorphism: Applying animal characteristics to humans or gods