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Case is a grammatical category that indicates the grammatical function of a word (such as the role of subject, of direct object, or of possessor) in a phrase or clause. As a syntactic rather than semantic notion, case marking is not directly represented in UNL, but only in the UNL-NL grammars.

Natural language

In the UNLarium, case must be informed only to the forms (such as English personal pronouns) still holding an inflectional case system.
The values for the case attribute are the following:


  • English
    • nominative (NOM): I ("I saw him")
    • genitive (GNT): my ("my house")
    • oblique (OBL): me ("He saw me")
  • Latin
    • nominative (NOM): nauta ("nauta ibi stat" = the sailor is standing here)
    • genitive (GNT): nautae ("nomen nautae est Claudius" = the sailor's name is Claudius)
    • dative (DAT): nautae ("nautae donum dedi" = I gave a present to the sailor)
    • accusative (ACC): nautam ("nautam vidi" = I saw the sailor)
    • ablative (ABL): nautā ("sum altior nautā" = I am taller than the sailor)