1. Create an account
The first step to join the UNLweb is the registration. Registration is open and free and does not oblige you to work in the programme. Registered users are automatically subscribed to the UNLweb newsletter and are given the permission to post in the UNL Open Forum and in the UNLwiki. But you don't have to be a registered user to browse the data of the UNLweb. The resources of the UNLweb are available even to non-registered users, who may browse the system using a guest account.
2. Pursue the necessary certificates
All the projects within the UNLweb require some certification. Certificates are issued electronically by VALERIE, the VirtuAl Learning EnvIronmEnt for UNL, which is available at www.unlweb.net/valerie. There are two main certificates:
- CLEA (Certificate of Language Engineering Aptitude) is required for working with dictionaries and grammars:
- CLEA250 is required for working with UNL>NL dictionaries (in projects such as MIR)
- CLEA750 is required for working with NL>UNL dictionaries (in projects such as NADIA and BRUNO)
- CLEA1000 is required for working with grammar
- CUP (Certificate of Proficiency in UNL) is required for working with corpora:
- CUP500 is required for working with UNL>NL corpora (in projects such as UGO)
- CUP1000 is required for working NL>UNL corpora (in project such as CORNELIA)
3. Join a project
All the work with dictionaries and corpora is done within projects. In order to be able to work in a given project, you have first to join the project. The list of projects is available at UNLWEB>Projects. There are several different types of projects: dictionary (MIR, NADIA, BRUNO, etc.), corpus (UGO, CORNELIA, IGLU, etc.) and memory. Projects can be open to any participant (with the corresponding certification) or closed (where participation is subject to approval by the project manager). Some projects are funded (i.e., participants get UNLdots and UNLcreds) and some projects are non-funded (i.e., participants get UNLdots but not UNLcreds). Note that funding depends on the language.
In order to join a project, go to UNLWEB>Projects, select the project you want to join, and press the button "join" (the rightmost on the top menu).
4. Create an assignment
In order to start adding entries, you have to create an assignment. The assignment is actually only a reservation of entries to be treated. This reservation is valid for 30 days. During this period, no one else will have access to these entries. After this period, the entries not addressed return to the main dictionary and become available to other users for reservation. You may close assignments at any time, and they're automatically closed on their deadline.
As a trainee, you can only create assignments up to 50 entries; after being promoted to the author level (which happens automatically when you achieve 5,000 UNLdots), you will be able to create assignments of up to 250 entries. Assignments from trainees and authors are reviewed before being approved. The revision process takes up to 5 working days. Any user may have one single assignment open at the same time, and users may only reopen the assignments (in order to correct problems) during the current month. In case our reviewers detect any problem with any of your assignments, your account is blocked and you will not be able to create any new assignments before correcting the problems.
In order to create an assignment, go to UNLWEB>Assignments and fill in the corresponding form.
5. Create entries
The entries that you have reserved are addressed in the UNLarium (at UNLARIUM>Home). Each project involves a specific action:
- UNL-NL (Generation) Dictionary: you have to map UW's into your natural language (project MIR, for instance)
- NL-UNL (Analysis) Dictionary: you have to map natural language entries into UW's (project BRUNO, for instance)
- NL Dictionary: you have to analyze natural language entries (project NADIA, for instance)
- UNL-NL (Generation) Corpus: you have to map UNL graphs into natural language sentences (project UGO, for instance)
- NL-UNL (Analysis) Corpus: you have to map natural language sentences into UNL (project CORNELIA, for instance)
- and so on.
Note that each entry created inside the UNLarium is double-checked. This means that there are three different types of action: to create entries, to verify entries and to review entries. Verification projects are open only to editors; revision projects are open only to reviewers. In this verification/revision process, your work is evaluated and you will be blocked or promoted depending on your performance. That's why it is very important for you to always ask for further instructions whenever you face a problem. Inside each assignment, you will have the option to postpone an entry (while you wait for the instruction) or to decline it.
For each new entry created, you will get 1 (one) UNLdot. If the entry is done within a funded project, this UNLdot is also a UNLcred, i.e., a paid entry.
6. Close the assignment
After finishing the set of entries that you have reserved, you'll have to close the assignment. You may have only one open assignment at a time. You will be able to reopen closed assignments, but only those within the current month. In any case, you'll have access only to the entries that you have created; the entries that you have postponed or declined will be already returned to the main dictionary.
7. Extending your permissions
In principle, users may work only with their own native language, but you may ask for a language extension, either by providing an international acknowledged language proficiency certificate (C2 level required), or by writing a message to the UNLweb ( This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it ) detailing your experience with the language that you intend to add to your profile. The message must be written in the intended language, and will be evaluated by other native speakers.
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