;============================================================================================ ;ENGLISH MORPHOLOGY MODULE FOR THE GENERATION OF THE TRAINING CORPUS ;============================================================================================ (N,@pl,^PLR):=(0>"s",-@pl,+PLR); generates the -s for the singular nouns having the attribute @pl (N,@pl,PLR):=(-@pl); deletes the attribute @pl if the noun is already plural (%x,N,@all):=("all")(" ")(%x,-@all,+@pl); generates all before nouns having the attribute @all (%x,N,@indef):=("a")(" ")(%x,-@indef); generates a before nouns having the attribute @indef (%x,N,@def):=("the")(" ")(%x,-@def); generates tge before nouns having the attribute @def (%x,N,@proximal,^PLR,^@pl):=("this")(" ")(%x,-@proximal); generates this before nouns having the attribute @proximal (%x,N,@any):=("any")(" ")(%x,-@any) generates any before nouns having the attribute @any (%x,N,@other):=("other")(" ")(%x,-@other); generates other before nouns having the attribute @other (%x,N,@no):=("no")(" ")(%x,-@no); generates no before nouns having the attribute @no (%x,J,@not):=("not")("-")(%x,-@not); generates not before adjectives having the attribute @not (%x,V,@obligation):=("shall")(" ")(%x,-@obligation) generates shall before verbs having the attribute @obligation