[D] [S:1] {org:en} The Hare and the Tortoise {/org} {unl} and(tortoise.@def,hare.@def) {/unl} [/S] [S:2] {org:en} The Hare one day ridiculed the short feet and slow pace of the Tortoise. {/org} {unl} agt(ridicule.@past,hare.@def) tim(ridicule.@past,one day) obj(ridicule.@past,:01) mod(:01,tortoise.@def) and:01(pace,foot.@pl) mod:01(pace,slow) mod:01(foot.@pl,short) {/unl} [/S] [S:3] {org:en} The Tortoise replied: {/org} {unl} agt(reply.@past,tortoise.@def) {/unl} [/S] [S:4] {org:en} "Though you be swift as the wind, I will beat you in a race." {/org} {unl} and(:02,:01.@although) aoj:01(swift,00.@2) bas:01(swift,wind.@def.@equal) agt:02(beat.@future,00.@1) obj:02(beat.@future,00.@2) scn:02(beat.@future,race.@indef) {/unl} [/S] [S:5] {org:en} The Hare believed her assertion to be simply impossible and assented to the proposal. {/org} {unl} and(:02,:01) exp:01(believe.@past,hare) obj:01(believe.@past,:03) agt:02(assent.@past,hare.@def) obj:02(assent.@past,proposal.@def) aoj:03(impossible,assertion) man:03(impossible,simply) mod:03(assertion,tortoise.@def) {/unl} [/S] [S:6] {org:en} They agreed that the Fox should choose the course and fix the goal. {/org} {unl} exp(agree.@past,00.@3.@pl) obj(agree.@past,:01) and:01(:03,:02) agt:02(choose.@decision,fox.@def) obj:02(choose.@decision,course.@def) agt:03(fix.@decision,fox.@def) obj:03(fix.@decision,goal.@def) {/unl} [/S] [S:7] {org:en} On the day appointed for the race the two started together. {/org} {unl} agt(start.@past,"2".@noun.@def) tim(start.@past,:01) aoj(together,"2".@noun.@def) obj:01(appoint.@past,day.@def.@topic) pur:01(appoint.@past,race.@def) {/unl} [/S] [S:8] {org:en} The Tortoise did not stop. {/org} {unl} agt(stop.@past.@not,tortoise.@def) {/unl} [/S] [S:9] {org:en} She went on with a slow but steady pace straight to the end of the course. {/org} {unl} agt(go on.@past,tortoise.@def) man(go on.@past,pace.@indef.@with) man(go on.@past,straight) plt(go on.@past,end.@def) mod(end.@def,course.@def) mod(pace.@indef.@with,:01) and:01(steady,slow.@but) {/unl} [/S] [S:10] {org:en} The Hare laid down by the wayside and took a nap under a tree. {/org} {unl} and(:02,:01) exp:01(lay down.@past,hare.@def) plc:01(lay down.@past,wayside.@def.@by) exp:02(take a nap.@past,hare.@def) plc:02(take a nap.@past,tree.@indef.@under) {/unl} [/S] [S:11] {org:en} At last, he woke up and ran as fast as he could, but it was too late. {/org} {unl} and(:03.@but,:02) and(:02,:01) exp:01(wake up.@past, hare.@def) man:01(wake up.@past, at last) agt:02(run.@past, hare.@def) aoj:02(fast,hare.@def) bas:02(fast,:04.@equal) aoj:03(late.@extra.@past,00) agt:04(run.@ability, hare.@def) {/unl} [/S] [S:12] {org:en} The Tortoise had already won the race. {/org} {unl} exp(win.@past.@perfective,tortoise.@def) obj(win.@past.@perfective,race.@def) tim(win.@past.@perfective,already) {/unl} [/S] [S:13] {org:en} Slow but steady progress wins the race. {/org} {unl} met(win,progress) obj(win,race) mod(progress,:01) and:01(steady.@but,slow) {/unl} [/S] [/D]