one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty thirty forty fifty sixty seventy eighty ninety twenty-one thirty-two forty-three fifty-four sixty-five seventy-six eighty-seven ninety-eight one hundred one thousand two thousand eleven thousand one million three million twelve million one billion four billion thirteen billion one trillion five trillion fourteen trillion one hundred one one hundred twenty-two one hundred and one one hundred and twenty-two two hundred and thirty-three one thousand and one one thousand one hundred one million and one two million and two twenty-two million and twenty-one one thousand one hundred forty-four twenty-one thousand five hundred eighty-eight fifty thousand six hundred ninety-nine one hundred thousand and one three hundred million and thirty-three one thousand one hundred and forty-four one thousand two hundred and fifty-five two thousand three hundred and sixty-six eleven thousand four hundred and seventy-seven two hundred thousand seven hundred and two two hundred thirty-three thousand eight hundred and three two million three hundred forty-four thousand five hundred fifty-five 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 21st 22nd 23rd 24th 100th 101st 102nd 103rd 104th first second third fourth fifth sixth seventh eighth ninth tenth eleventh twelfth thirteenth fourteenth fifteenth sixteenth seventeenth eighteenth nineteenth twentieth thirtieth fortieth fiftieth sixtieth seventieth eightieth ninetieth hundredth twenty-first thirty-second forty-third fifty-fourth sixty-fifth seventy-sixth eighty-seventh ninety-eighth hundred first one half one third two thirds one quarter two quarters three quarters one fifth two fifths three fifths four fifths five sixths six sevenths seven eighths eight ninths nine tenths two and a half five and one half three and three quarters five and five fifths six and six sixths one point one one point two three zero point two seven six three point one four one nine twenty-nine point two seven six five two two two one two three four five six seven eight nine one eleven one eleven plus eleven minus seven that book this book these books those books other books each book same book such books what book which book any book both books enough books every book fewer books less books more books most books several books some books a few books a couple of books a lot of books plenty of books much money a little money all these books many other books these few books too many books both my books my own book a couple of his books not all his books our few books the book above the table the book against Peter the book among the tables the books around the table the book at the table the book below the table the book beneath the table the book close to the table the book in the box the book inside the box the book next to the table the book out of the box the book outside the box the book underneath the table the book with pictures the book within the box the book without pictures the book between the table and the box the book on the table about Paris the book on the table about Paris without pictures 13 books thirteen books a hundred books two hundred twenty two books second book the forty-fourth book six large books my two books my last two books my two other books the second big book all the books available a really beautiful car the most expensive car the least expensive car one hour two hours one minute fifteen minutes one second fifty-nine seconds three hours and fifty minutes fifty minutes and eighteen seconds three hours fifty minutes and eighteen seconds ten o'clock half an hour five past eight a quarter past eight half past eight 16:15:00 He used to arrive earlier. He is about to arrive. He will be arriving earlier. He has just arrived. He has arrived earlier. He has to arrive earlier. He does not have to arrive earlier. He can arrive earlier. He could arrive earlier. He should arrive earlier. this is beautiful that is beautiful these are beautiful those are beautiful mine is beautiful yours is beautiful his is beautiful hers is beautiful ours is beautiful theirs is beautiful you love me you love yourself he loves her he loves himself she loves him she loves herself it loves itself we love you we love ourselves you love us you love yourselves they love it they love themselves they love one another they love each other he will never arrive he is arriving today he is arriving by car he is arriving at noon he is arriving with Peter he is arriving alone he is arriving today by car with Peter he is arriving alone today at noon by car with Peter he is going to Paris he is going from Rome to Paris he is going from Rome to Paris through Geneva he gave her a book she is interested in books did John kill Mary? whom did John kill? where did John kill Mary? how did John kill Mary? when did John kill Mary? why did John kill Mary? John killed Mary and Peter John killed Mary, Peter and Paul John and Bill killed Mary, Peter and Paul he said that Peter killed Mary he said that Peter killed Mary with a knife he said that Peter killed Mary with a knife in the kitchen yesterday John killed Mary when Peter arrived John killed Mary because Peter arrived Peter is more beautiful than John Peter is less beautiful than John Peter is as beautiful as John