[D] [S:01] {org:eng} hare {/org} {unl} [W] hare [/W] {/unl} [/S] [S:02] {org:eng} the hare {/org} {unl} [W] hare.@def [/W] {/unl} [/S] [S:03] {org:eng} the tortoise {/org} {unl} [W] tortoise.@def [/W] {/unl} [/S] [S:04] {org:eng} a race {/org} {unl} [W] race.@indef [/W] {/unl} [/S] [S:05] {org:eng} the slow pace {/org} {unl} mod(pace.@def, slow) {/unl} [/S] [S:06] {org:eng} the short feet {/org} {unl} mod(foot.@def.@pl, short) {/unl} [/S] [S:07] {org:eng} the slow pace of the tortoise {/org} {unl} mod(pace.@def, slow) mod(pace.@def, tortoise.@def) {/unl} [/S] [S:08] {org:eng} the short feet of the tortoise {/org} {unl} mod(foot.@def.@pl, short) pof(tortoise.@def, foot.@def.@pl) {/unl} [/S] [S:09] {org:eng} the end of the course {/org} {unl} mod(end.@def, course.@def) {/unl} [/S] [S:10] {org:eng} the hare and the tortoise {/org} {unl} and(hare.@def, tortoise.@def) {/unl} [/S] [S:11] {org:eng} slow but steady progress {/org} {unl} mod(progress, :01) and:01(slow, steady.@but) {/unl} [/S] [S:12] {org:eng} a slow but steady pace {/org} {unl} mod(pace.@indef, :01) and:01(slow, steady.@but) {/unl} [/S] [S:13] {org:eng} the short feet and the slow pace of the tortoise {/org} {unl} mod(:01, tortoise.@def) and:01(pace.@def, foot.@def.@pl) mod:01(pace.@def, slow) mod:01(foot.@def.@pl, short) {/unl} [/S] [S:14] {org:eng} the tortoise replied {/org} {unl} agt(reply.@past, tortoise.@def) {/unl} [/S] [S:15] {org:eng} the tortoise did not stop {/org} {unl} agt(stop.@not.@past, tortoise.@def) {/unl} [/S] [S:16] {org:eng} the hare woke up {/org} {unl} exp(wake up.@past, hare.@def) {/unl} [/S] [S:17] {org:eng} the tortoise went on {/org} {unl} agt(go on.@past, tortoise.@def) {/unl} [/S] [S:18] {org:eng} the hare took a nap {/org} {unl} exp(take a nap.@past, hare.@def) {/unl} [/S] [S:19] {org:eng} I will beat you {/org} {unl} agt(beat.@future, 00.@1) obj(beat.@future. 00.@2) {/unl} [/S] [S:20] {org:eng} the tortoise won the race {/org} {unl} agt(win.@past, tortoise.@def) cnt(win.@past, race.@def) {/unl} [/S] [S:21] {org:eng} progress wins the race {/org} {unl} met(win, progress.@generic) cnt(win, race.@generic) {/unl} [/S] [S:22] {org:eng} the hare ridiculed the short feet {/org} {unl} agt(ridicule.@past, hare.@def) cnt(ridicule.@past, foot.@def.@pl) mod(foot.@def.@pl, short) {/unl} [/S] [S:23] {org:eng} the hare ridiculed the short feet of the tortoise {/org} {unl} agt(ridicule.@past, hare.@def) cnt(ridicule.@past, foot.@def.@pl) pof(tortoise.@def, foot.@def.@pl) mod(foot.@def.@pl, short) {/unl} [/S] [S:24] {org:eng} the hare ridiculed the short feet and slow pace of the tortoise {/org} {unl} agt(ridicule.@past, hare.@def) cnt(ridicule.@past, :01) mod(:01, tortoise.@def) and:01(pace.@def, foot.@def.@pl) mod:01(pace.@def, slow) mod:01(foot.@def.@pl, short) {/unl} [/S] [S:25] {org:eng} the hare one day ridiculed the short feet and slow pace of the tortoise {/org} {unl} agt(ridicule.@past, hare.@def) cnt(ridicule.@past, :01) tim(ridicule.@past, one day) mod(:01, tortoise.@def) and:01(pace.@def, foot.@def.@pl) mod:01(pace.@def, slow) mod:01(foot.@def.@pl, short) {/unl} [/S] [S:26] {org:eng} the fox should choose the course {/org} {unl} agt(choose.@decision, fox.@def) cnt(choose.@decision, course.@def) {/unl} [/S] [S:27] {org:eng} the fox should fix the goal {/org} {unl} agt(fix.@decision, fox.@def) cnt(fix.@decision, goal.@def) {/unl} [/S] [S:28] {org:eng} the fox should choose the course and fix the goal {/org} {unl} agt(:01.@decision, fox.@def) cnt:01(choose, course.@def) cnt:01(fix, goal.@def) {/unl} [/S] [S:29] {org:eng} I will beat you in a race {/org} {unl} agt(beat.@future, 00.@1) obj(beat.@future. 00.@2) lpl(beat.@future, race.@indef) {/unl} [/S] [S:30] {org:eng} the hare assented to the proposal {/org} {unl} agt(assent.@past, hare.@def) cnt(assent.@past, proposal.@def) {/unl} [/S] [S:31] {org:eng} the hare laid down by the wayside {/org} {unl} agt(lay down.@past, hare.@def) plc(lay down.@past, wayside.@by.@def) {/unl} [/S] [S:32] {org:eng} the hare took a nap under a tree {/org} {unl} exp(take a nap.@past, hare.@def) plc(take a nap.@past, tree.@indef.@under) {/unl} [/S] [S:33] {org:eng} slow but steady progress wins the race {/org} {unl} met(win, progress.@generic) cnt(win, race.@generic) mod(progress.@generic, :01) and:01(slow, steady.@but) {/unl} [/S] [S:34] {org:eng} the tortoise had already won the race {/org} {unl} agt(win.@past.@perfect, tortoise.@def) cnt(win.@past.@perfect, race.@def) tim(win.@past.@perfect, already) {/unl} [/S] [S:35] {org:eng} the tortoise went on straight to the end of the course {/org} {unl} agt(go on.@past, tortoise.@def) man(go on.@past, straight) plt(go on.@past, end.@def) mod(end.@def, course.@def) {/unl} [/S] [S:36] {org:eng} the tortoise went on with a slow but steady pace {/org} {unl} agt(go on.@past, tortoise.@def) met(go on.@past, pace.@indef.@with) mod(pace.@indef.@with, :01) and:01(slow, steady.@but) {/unl} [/S] [S:37] {org:eng} the tortoise went on with a slow but steady pace straight to the end of the course {/org} {unl} agt(go on.@past, tortoise.@def) met(go on.@past, pace.@indef.@with) man(go on.@past, straight) plt(go on.@past, end.@def) mod(end.@def, course.@def) mod(pace.@indef.@with, :01) and:01(slow, steady.@but) {/unl} [/S] [S:38] {org:eng} the hare and the tortoise started together {/org} {unl} agt(start.@past, :01) man(start.@past, together) and:01(hare.@def, tortoise.@def) {/unl} [/S] [S:39] {org:eng} you are swift {/org} {unl} aoj(swift, 00.@2) {/unl} [/S] [S:40] {org:eng} you are swift as the wind {/org} {unl} aoj(swift, 00.@2) bas(swift, wind.@def.@equal) {/unl} [/S] [S:41] {org:eng} the assertion is impossible {/org} {unl} aoj(impossible, assertion.@def) {/unl} [/S] [S:42] {org:eng} the assertion is simply impossible {/org} {unl} aoj(impossible, assertion.@def) man(impossible, simply) {/unl} [/S] [S:43] {org:eng} the hare ran as fast as possible {/org} {unl} agt(run.@past, hare.@def) man(run.@past, fast) bas(fast, possible) {/unl} [/S] [S:44] {org:eng} it was too late {/org} {unl} aoj(late.@extra.@past, 00) {/unl} [/S] [S:45] {org:eng} the hare believed the assertion to be simply impossible {/org} {unl} exp(believe.@past, hare) cnt(believe.@past, :01) aoj:01(impossible, assertion) man:01(impossible, simply) {/unl} [/S] [S:46] {org:eng} I will beat you in a race although you are as swift as the wind {/org} {unl} and(:01, :02.@although) agt:01(beat.@future, 00.@1) obj:01(beat.@future, 00.@2) lpl:01(beat.@future, race.@indef) aoj:02(swift, 00.@2) bas:02(swift, wind.@def.@equal) {/unl} [/S] [S:47] {org:eng} the hare laid down by the wayside and took a nap under a tree {/org} {unl} and(:01, :02) agt:01(lay down.@past, hare.@def) plc:01(lay down.@past, wayside.@def.@by) exp:02(take a nap.@past, hare.@def) plc:02(take a nap.@past, tree.@indef.@under) {/unl} [/S] [S:48] {org:eng} They agreed that the fox should choose the course and fix the goal {/org} {unl} exp(agree.@past, 00.@3.@pl) obj(agree.@past, :01) agt:01(:02.@decision, fox.@def) and:02(choose, fix) cnt:02(choose, course.@def) cnt:02(fix, goal.@def) {/unl} [/S] [S:49] {org:eng} at last, the hare woke up and he ran as fast as possible, but it was too late {/org} {unl} and(:01, :02) and(:02, :03.@but) exp:01(wake up.@past, hare.@def) man:01(wake up.@past, at last) agt:02(run.@past, 00.@3) man:02(run.@past, fast) bas:02(fast, :04.@equal) aoj:03(late.@extra.@past, 00) agt:04(run.@ability, hare.@def) {/unl} [/S] [S:50] {org:eng} the hare believed the assertion to be simply impossible and he assented to the proposal {/org} {unl} and(:02, :01) exp:01(believe.@past, hare) cnt:01(believe.@past, :03) agt:02(assent.@past, 00.@3) cnt:02(assent.@past, proposal.@def) aoj:03(impossible, assertion) man:03(impossible, simply) mod:03(assertion, tortoise.@def) {/unl} [/S] [/D]